HashiCorp AWS Teraform Landing Zone

1 min read

I’m starting to get a little over whelmed. Ever since AWS created an API in the AWS Orgs service to allow for the programmatic creation of AWS accounts things have gotten really interesting when building a reference architecture for AWS.

Now HashiCorp have jump on the wagon with a Teraform Landing Zone.


Pretty cool but which one do you use?

By my reckoning there are now 6 major ways you can handle automated account creation:

  1. AWS Account Factory
  2. AWS Landing Zone
  3. AWS Control Tower
  4. AWS Deployment Framework (though technically this doesn’t create the account it hydrates it)
  5. The original bash script they released on announcement of the api for orgs
  6. HashiCorp AWS LTZ

Never mind the new Hub and Spoke models that are now popping up all over the place.

My brain hurts.
