Enable Self Service AWS WorkSpaces with ServiceNow AWS Service Catalog Connector

1 min read

I don’t know about you but I think this is a very cool blog post!

I’ve long been wanting to get my hands dirty with the ServiceNow to Service Catalog connector and do some good things with it however none of my customers have been able to afford the ServiceNow AWS Connector (Its pricey).

For those who can AWS just posted a really nice blog about how to let your staff spin up their own Workspaces aka Desktops in the cloud using the ServiceNow Workflow! i.e with approvals! 🙂

Check out the blog post here:


As usual the blog post is not showing how this is done with CloudFormation templates and has some dependancies for success such as :

  • Having ServiceNow 😉
  • Setting up the Service Catalog connector for ServiceNow (which they link to a blog post for)
  • An Active Directory for Workspaces

However, if you can overcome these Yak Shavings you’ll have a nice blog post that will enable one less task to worry about desktop provisioning.

I’m guessing after this you’re next Yak Shaving will be Pre-Bundled Workspace images to choose from as part of the request flow as you seek to enhance the deploy-workspaces.template into multiple versions.